A Grassroots Service Organization Working for First Nations in BC

The First Nations Housing and Infrastructure Council was formally established in the fall of 2017 in response to a political mandate from the members of the BC First Nations Leadership Council, with resolutions from the BC Assembly of First Nations, the First Nations Summit, and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. We are a grassroots service organization working to improve First Nations housing and infrastructure in BC. Our vision is to ensure that every First Nations person has secure and culturally appropriate housing that supports our well-being, fosters community resilience, and supports the health of families for future generations.

It’s about more than just housing and infrastructure

We believe that access to affordable, comfortable and secure housing is a fundamental human right. The quality of our housing impacts almost every aspect of our lives, from our health and well-being to our happiness and the way we raise our children. It is about more than just the physical structures that shelter us, it is about living well on our traditional territories, and our right to self government. It is about the land, the water, and the way we walk through the world.

A message from our Executive Director, Michael Sadler

FNHIC is First Nations led and governed. We are truly a grassroots organization that is working for our people. We have embarked on the direction of creating a service delivery organization in order to better serve our people, this may lead to a transfer down the road, but right now, our main focus is on providing essential and much needed housing and infrastructure services to our communities.

Contact Us

Have questions? We’ll be happy to speak with you.